Hwange National Park
Located in the northwest corner of Zimbabwe, about one hour south of the Mighty Victoria Falls, is Hwange National Park. The park boasts a vast array of wildlife with over 100 species of mammals and nearly 400 bird species recorded. The Elephants of Hwange National Park are one of the largest populations in the world.
All Zimbabwe's specially protected animals are to be found in Hwange and it is the only protected area where Gemsbok and Brown Hyena occur in reasonable numbers.
Large prides of Lion and Buffalo are frequently seen here and you have a good chance of spotting Leopard in addition to Cheetah and Spotted Hyena. Hwange has an absence of permanent surface water and animals rely heavily on a series of waterholes, many of which dry up completely during drought years. Conservation there now keeps certain watering holes open leading to excellent gaming viewing.
The landscape of the Park is diverse; the dense teak forest in the north of the Park gives way to Kalahari sandveld in the south. The areas between are open grassy plains.